Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my organization is eligible to apply?
What does The Sherwood Foundation fund?
How do I apply for a grant?
Can I apply at any time?
Are there required forms to use for my grant attachments?
I am having technical difficulties. How do I get help?
Is it true if I have not saved my grant work for 60 minutes, the work will be lost?

Yes – sad, but true! 😭😭 You do not have to finish the grant in one sitting, but you do have to save your work every 60 minutes.

How will I know if you receive my grant application?

When your grant proposal is submitted, an e-mail receipt is automatically generated. If you did not receive an e-mail, check your spam folder. If you still don’t see the e-mail, contact Kathy Johnson, Grants Manager at The Sherwood Foundation at

Once my grant is submitted, how long will it be before I hear a decision from the Foundation?

You will hear from us once the review process is complete. Please give us 90 days from the application deadline before you reach out to us for a notification. Often, we complete the review process before the 90-day deadline and will reach out to you sooner.

How will you communicate with me regarding my application?

Via e-mail. Make sure you provided a valid e-mail address on your application and check the account often.

If I do not receive a grant, will I get an explanation about the decision?

No. For each grant cycle, The Sherwood Foundation makes difficult decisions based upon available grant funds and current funding priorities.