Carhenge monument in Nebraska with yard signs celebrating "Coexist," "Community" and "Peace"

We believe in Nebraska

The Sherwood Foundation doubles down on our values of equity, social justice, and shared humanity by making grants in Nebraska to organizations with missions we love and people we trust.

Nebraska map with dots marking cities that have received Sherwood Foundation awards.

Since 2006, The Sherwood Foundation has given grants totaling more than $2.1 billion to more than 50 communities across Nebraska.

Operating GrantsThis grant cycle is currently closed.Program Grants fund a specific program within your organization and are restricted funds, meaning they can only be spent on the program for which you submitted the grant.
Program GrantsAccepting grants from February 1 through noon CST on February 28, 2025.Operating Grants fund your organization’s work broadly and are unrestricted, meaning the grant funds can be used to pay for expenditures that support your mission.
Capital GrantsAccepting grants from February 1 through noon CST on February 28, 2025Capital Grants fund land purchase and/or construction for new buildings; renovation on existing buildings or grounds; or significant equipment or other long-term asset purchases.

Learn more about the application process »